Dr. Bognár György

Associate Professor
H-1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2., QB330
Phone: (+36-1-463)2714
Publications: MTMT »


György Bognár received Ph.D. and Ms.C. degree in Electronic Engineering from Budapest University of Technology and Economy, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Hungary, in 2010 and 2002, respectively and M.Edu./M.A. degree in Teacher of Electrical Engineering from Budapest University of Technology and Economy, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Hungary, in 2008.  His actual research field is thermal management of System-in/on-Package devices, thermal simulation, modeling and technology of SoP with integrated thermal management solution. Since 2007 he has been dealing with the realization technology, hydrodynamic and thermal modelling of microscale cooling structures, microchannel devices. Between 2014 and 2018 he was the supervisor of a national basic research project (Integrated thermal management in System-on-Package devices) funded by Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA). He worked several national and international project as researcher. He joined to the Department of Electron Devices as assistant teacher in 2004. Since 2010 he has been associate professor at the Department of Electron Devices. His former research topics were developing and thermal modelling of contactless temperature measuring systems by realizing a new macroscale FIR sensor card. Other interests are design of frequency divider circuits, new architecture injection-locked-oscillator based resonant clock distribution networks. He earned Ed.S./M.A. in Talent development at Károly Eszterházy University, Eger, Hungary, in 2010. He is interested in talent management, development definetly in the frame of higher education.

Research activity

  • 3D packaging and thermal management issues of System-on-Package / stacked-die structures.
  • Thermal characterization and compact model generation of electrical packagings.
  • Thermal modelling and characterization of contactless, FIR based temperature / temperatue disstribution sensors.
  • ILO based clock disstribution networks and new acrhitecture frequency divider circuits.
  • Talent management in higher education.
  • Thermal characterization and compact modell generation of new type, integrated, microscale heat-sinks.

Other responsibilities

  • System manager of the VLSI CAD laboratory
  • Responsible for Students' Scienctific Work activities on the Department
  • Moodle administrator and course manager of the online education system (edu.vik.bme.hu)