Dr. Poppe András
Personal data, degrees: András POPPE was born in 1962 in Budapest, Hungary. He obtained his MSc degree in electrical engineering in 1986 from the Technical University of Budapest (BME), Faculty of Electrical Engineering.In 1996 he obtained a Cand.Sci. degree from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) and his PhD from BME, in 2019 he obtained the 'doctor HAS' degree. Working experience: 1986-1989 Researcher at BME Department
of Electron Devices with scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His research filed was circuit simulation and semiconductor device modeling. 1989-1990 Guest researcher at IMEC (Leuven, Belgium) where he was dealing with mobility modeling for the purpose of device simulation, postgraduate studies at KUL (Katholike Universiteit Leuven) with the scholarship of the Soros Foundation 1990- Since 1990 he is with the BME-DED. In 1991/94 has been active in
the Monte Carlo simulation of submicron MOS devices. Since 1996 he has been working at BME-DED as an associate professor, since 2019 as a professor. In 1997 he was one of the co-founders of MicReD (now Mentor Graphics MAD MicReD Division). He has been the head of the Department of Electron Devices since 2013.
Besides his academic activities he is involved in various national and international research projects (e.g. KÖZLED and EU FW7 Fast2Light, NANOPACK, THERMINATOR, NANOTHERM, EU H2020 Delphi4LED, EuroCPS projects). He is actively involved in the JEDEC JC15 and CIE TC2-91 standardization
committees and he is chairing the CIE TC2-84 committee.
Publications in Google Scholar ORCID profile Scopus profile ResearchGate MTMT table Mendeley
Microelectronics - lecturerSSI IC and MEMS design - lecturer
Research activity
His recent fields of research include
- electro-thermal simulation,
- thermal simulation,
- and issues of thermal transient testing of IC-s, MEMS and electrical components,
- combined thermal and radiometric/photometric characterization of power LED-s
- characterization of OLEDs
Other responsibilities
- head of department
- WP3 workpackage leader in the Delphi4LED project
Other activities
- president of the CIE Hungarian National Committee
- vice president of the Hungarian Lighting Society
- chairman of CIE TC2-84
- secretary of the Electron Devices and Electronics Technology scientific committee of HAS