Termikus karakterizáció, modellezés és szimuláció (Robert Bosch Kft.)

A jelentkező hallgató az alábbi témák közül választhat:

ROM to pSpice Create a process for generating and transfering complex thermal R-C networks to pSpice, based on available thermal models (ROM/ FEM) of our product.
RthJ-C measurement vs. simulation Check how the clamping force, TIM thickness, cooler performance influences RthJ-C in measurement and simulation (FEM) for discrete semiconductor components.
Zth measurement error analysis Calculate the error of the Zth measurement by taking into account all elements of the measurement chain for a power module on cooler setup.
AC factor calculation Derive a process for AC factor calculation based on frequency sweep simulation (Maxwell) for electrical resistance of power module designs.

A témára MSc. hallgatók jelentkezhetnek!

Témavezető: Hidas Anna Robert Bosch Kft.